Author: EchoCanyon

  • Tools of the trade.

    Starting in industrial maintenance can be daunting, especially when it comes to choosing the right tools. Every company has different policies on tool provision, and while some might supply everything you need, others may require you to bring your own. To empower yourself and gain a sense of independence, it’s wise to invest in your…

  • Getting started in industrial maintenance.

    Choosing Your Path in Industrial Maintenance When it comes to starting a career in industrial maintenance, the first question to ask yourself is: What specific area of industrial maintenance are you most interested in? Your interest is crucial in choosing a career path, and your decision is valid and essential. Some common areas include: Electrical…

  • What is Confined Corner?

    Welcome to Confined Corner, where I delve into my journey through the world of Industrial Maintenance. Despite my relatively short time in the field and the title, my path has been a winding one. Starting fresh out of school, I found myself navigating through various roles, from operating haul trucks in a mine to mastering…